Dr. Balaban is a practicing dentist in Boston and serves as Vice President of Clinical Affairs for Overjet - the industry leader in dental artificial intelligence. Dr. Balaban holds a master’s degree in Biomedical Science, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Boston University’s Goldman School of Dental Medicine, where he held a faculty position in the department of general dentistry at the rank of Clinical Instructor. He is a member of the national dental honors society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, and was recently appointed to fellowship by the American College of Dentists.
His passion for both dentistry and technology came together when he joined a group of scientists from MIT 5 years ago to help grow Overjet into a company that is helping to shape the future of dentistry through Artificial Intelligence for the next generation of dentists. To date Overjet has received 7 FDA clearance for its Dental Assist AI product-line and has been named one of the top 100 AI start-up companies worldwide in 2021.
Dr. Balaban has written numerous articles on artificial intelligence and its application to dentistry which have been published in Compendium, IDH, IDT and JADA. Dr. Balaban was a leading contributor to the ADA’s seminal whitepaper on Augmented Intelligence where he lead the authorship of the ‘Clinical Use of Dental AI’ section. Dr. Balaban and his clinical team are working with some of the largest DSOs and payers and academic institutions to adopt dental AI into their operations and document its benefits for patients and providers alike.