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Toothflix Condiciones Dentales y Tratamientos

Help your patients make informed decisions about their treatment options and understand upcoming procedures
Retail Price
Members save $250

For patients in need of dental treatment, making sure they understand the nature of the condition and how it is treated is key to case acceptance. Toothflix patient education videos are designed to help your patients make informed decisions about their treatment options and understand upcoming procedures. The Condiciones Dentales y Tratamientos (Dental Treatments and Conditions) package includes 20 2–4-minute videos, narrated in Spanish, that discuss common topics ranging from tooth replacement options to TMD.

Play Toothflix videos for patients chairside, embed the videos on your practice website, or email them to patients before their procedures. Improve patient outcomes by offering descriptive explanations of procedures and tips for aftercare.

Videos can be played on any device with a web browser. After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions for how to log in and access your Toothflix playlist.

This purchase is valid for one dental office. For 2–25 offices, contact ADA MSC at 800.947.4746. For 25 or more offices, email

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