Thumbnail for ANSI/ADA Standard No. 203 for Dentistry-Materials Used for Dental Equipment Surfaces - Determination of Resistance to Chemical Disinfectants (2022) - E-BOOK

ANSI/ADA Standard No. 203 for Dentistry-Materials Used for Dental Equipment Surfaces - Determination of Resistance to Chemical Disinfectants (2022) - E-BOOK

Check out the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 203 for Dentistry - Materials Used for Dental Equipment Surfaces-Determination of Resistance to Chemical Disinfectants (2022) Buy Online Today.
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(E-BOOK) This standard specifies test methods for determining the resistance to chemical disinfectants of all materials used for external surfaces of dental equipment intended for such disinfection.

Three test methods are specified: an immersion test, a spray test and a contact test. The choice of test method to be used is left to the discretion of the party conducting the testing.

This standard does not address the bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal effectiveness of the disinfectants.

This standard does not provide for testing the possible detrimental effects of applied stress on the resistance of test materials to the test reagents.

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