Bridge to SmileCon: Whitening — Increasing Smile Values!
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The course, led by Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA CDD ACE, will cover practical techniques for in-office and take-home whitening which can lead to increased revenue for your office. (1 CE Credit)
In this presentation, two private practitioners share their successful strategies for operating private practices, while providing public service to beneficiaries of a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)…
In this course, you will get the emergency medicine provider perspective on the downsides of social media, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you are a victim. (1 CE Credit)
Learn how to document your operational and financial objectives to achieve short- and long-term success and attract potential partners, associates, investors, and lenders…
Elli Anna Kotsailidi, D.D.S., M.S., from the Eastman Institute for Oral Health of University of Rochester Department of Periodontology, explores systemic factors as they pertain to patients’ medical history and how these may affect the outcomes of implant therapy (1 CE Credit)