As a member of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Faculty Development Committee, Dr. Bryant serves in development of tools to help their practitioners become better teachers and mentors while assisting those same practitioners in insuring that they reach their required number of training hours. In addition to this, Dr. Bryant serves as the Medical Director of the Dental Surgery Center and NCH which houses three operating theatres used for patients requiring general anesthesia for dental procedures. As a recent graduate of Ohio University with an MBA with a healthcare emphasis, Dr. Bryant has a strong passion for teaching while using different strategies including, but not limited to simulation. Not only is he a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologist Grassroot Network and contributes to the American Society of Anesthesiologist Political Action Fund, Dr. Bryant is involved with the founding of a non-profit LLC to assist children with cancer in obtaining wheelchairs at no cost. As if he hasn’t accomplished so much already, Dr. Bryant is listed as the first author on five out of 12 research papers and has written two book chapters.
Disclosures: None to report.