Dr. Weddle is a general dentist in private practice in NJ. She’s a graduate of the NYU College of Dentistry with a General Practice Residency certificate from Newark Beth Israel. She completed the mini-residency in dental sleep medicine at Tufts University and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. Dr. Weddle studied at the Pankey Institute, The Dawson Center and The Kois Center in her pursuit of acquiring higher education. She holds Fellowships with the Academy of General Dentistry and the American College of Dentists. She is an active member of the International Association for Orthodontics, American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, and the American Orthodontic Society.
Dr. Weddle believes in the importance of organized dentistry and has been an active member of the American Dental Association, the NJ Dental Association, where she currently serves as a representative in the House of Delegates and the Council on Dental Benefits and the Central Dental Society where she served as Program Director and Past President.
Dr. Weddle is in private practice with both general dental practices and dental sleep medicine, airway, and TMJ -focused practices in Elizabeth and Watchung, NJ. While caring for her patients with the philosophy of integrating oral health with whole body health is her practice, her passion lies in the management of airway, sleep and TMJ issues in adults and children.
Coming full circle, she serves as a visiting faculty mentor for the Airway Prosthodontics Workshop at Spear Education. Recently, she co-founded ASAP Pathway, a community of dentists learning to implement a collaborative, interdisciplinary model of pediatric airway, sleep and TMJ management in private practice.
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